SDG 17 - Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
The situation in Malta
In the most recent annual global report on the SDGs, Malta ranks 22nd out of 157 countries, fairing well on SDG indicators related to ending poverty, healthcare, education and infrastructure. However, concerted efforts are needed on issues of responsible consumption and production, development aid and gender equality on which it ranks fairly poorly. In order to address the challenges posed by the process we must begin to think holistically and collectively making partnership between business, civil society and government crucial.
Source: Navigating the SDGs: A business guide to engaging with the: Sustainable Development Goals for Business: www:
At community level for a better application of the SDG,s there should be a line of continuous dialogue between the Central Government, Local Councils, Local Community, NGOs as this will create a synergy on how thinks at local level have to be tackled.
- Hold consultations with local authorities and civil society on initiatives to help the community
- Get actively involved in initiatives that are already taking place within your local community
(Source: Times of Malta Wednesday 19th July 2017. Bertrand Borg 22:10pm –
For more information on the local context, kindly follow these links: